Groupe Shift and Synerforce, partners of the Gemba-Walk application, are today launching a series of video capsules addressing continuous improvement in business.
Recorded in December, the 12 “Understanding Gemba-Walk” capsules feature Sébastien Coulombe, partner and vp operations of Synerforce, and Francis Rondeau, president of Groupe Shift.
The dynamic and very friendly duo demystifies the application and discusses communication rituals, the culture of continuous improvement, the integration of digital tools, change management, potential gains and, of course, floor rounds.
The first capsule, posted this Wednesday on Youtube, is entitled “When complementarity helps to improve processes”. Sébastien and Francis tell how the application was born and how it evolved. The two experts also talk about the respective missions of the two organizations.
Through the partnership they have developed, Groupe Shift is responsible for the development of the application and Synerforce ensures that it supports customers in order to properly guide them in their use as well as in their operational approach with their users.
To view the first capsule, it’s here.
Follow us on social media to be informed when the next episodes air. Upcoming titles include “What Gains Can I Get from Floor Touring” and “What Are the Key Elements of Effective Floor Touring”.

About Shift Group :
Groupe Shift develops tailor-made web applications that optimize business profitability and productivity. Located in Bécancour in Centre-du-Québec, our team of IT developers works mainly with companies in the manufacturing and industrial sector. Whether for custom or a new development, we are able to analyze your needs and advise you while taking into account the systems already in place in the organization, since we have a strong expertise in IT technologies.

About Synerforce :
Improving, developing, renewing is much more than an approach at Synerforce, it is above all a motivation and a philosophy. We support companies in improving their performance and in their desire to develop their work culture in continuous improvement. Our consulting firm on a human scale supports small, medium and large organizations through strategic management and manager coaching. We transform the management behavior of managers through field support while measuring the impact of our interventions on organizational, operational and financial gains. We characterize ourselves as an accelerator in the achievement of your strategic objectives.